Dear Attending Physician,
Thank you so much for your continued support of the Association of Black Family Medicine Physicians. Because of Supporters like yourself, we have been able to support, advocate for, and guide hundreds of Black Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students. Your time, financial support, and wisdom has taken us to heights once thought impossible. Because of this, we invite you to join us in providing personal mentoring to our membership.
Since the creation of the ABFMP, we have wanted to provide personal mentoring to our members to give them the tailored advice that has gotten many of us attending physicians where we are today. It is our pleasure to say that the dream of a formal mentor program will become a reality within the next few months as we prepare to launch the ABFMP Mentoring Families Program. However, we need your help to do this. If you have a heart for mentorship and are excited to help author the next chapter of history for Black Family Medicine Physicians, please volunteer.
The program will be a team-based approach to mentorship, similar to what many of you do on rounds or in your clinic. Each Mentoring Family will be composed of at least one attending, resident, intern, and medical student, with the attending being responsible for reporting meetings and attendance to the ABFMP. Within this model, you will be able to not only mentor the next generation of physicians, but also develop the mentorship skills of residents who will be Supporters and Mentors themselves in a few short years.
The program will require quarterly meetings that you will coordinate with your Mentoring Family and ABFMP-wide biannual conferences to celebrate the community we have created. If you would like to be a Mentor, complete this form.
As always, we appreciate your support and look forward to working with you.

Lance Braye, MD, MPH
Board Member